Headway East

Video + Podcast

Who is an artist? Who decides what an artist looks like? What responsibility do arts venues have in challenging these constructs? What role has the pandemic played in disrupting old norms? 

ART BRUTAL is a series of podcasts created in collaboration with the members of Headway East London. Together with the Barbican Centre, and through their own unique experience as artists living with a brain injury, they will ask bold questions about the current state of the art world.

 Over the next year these artists aim to shake up the constructed hierarchy that oppresses those identified as sitting outside the mainstream; reclaiming the mic as they host honest and sometimes confronting conversations.

Episode one invites listeners into the magical world of Submit to Love Studios; together we'll explore the notion of disabled art, the interactions between care and art-making, and what lessons we can all learn from these experiences and approaches.

All featured artists in episode one create work at Submit to Love Studios; an open community setting home to a group of more than 40 individuals living with a brain injury. The studio is based at local charity Headway East London, who have been working with Barbican as their Community Collaborator since 2019. 

#neurodiverse #creativeconversation #art #identity #whywemake #co-create #co-creation #creativity #artbrutal #Barbican #braininjury




Gilly Roche - Training the future